_Wild Connect_
Welcome to Wild Connect!
We’re a company that offers new ways of connecting people and nature. We work across sectors using an array of different skills and media:
To develop cutting-edge technology to survey and understand nature.
To create immersive artistic experiences and characters that engage the public and promote nature-positive action.
To implement new structures and frameworks for managing our natural resources and re-think how society can co-exist with nature.

We’ve developed our own custom hardware and software to collect data on species of interest and environments as a whole. Helping organisations of all scales to track their nature impact and optimize their approach, from the local to the transnational.

We use art to connect
Art helps communicate ideas to people, politicians and potentates alike
Our connections to the creative industries, allow us to reach audiences throughout society, both nationally & internationally.

We help you become more nature positive
We’re developing new strategies, frameworks and ways of thinking about our natural environment. Looking at the human-nature relationship and how conservation action can be traded against ecosystem services, for a sustainable future.
WHY is understanding and protecting the Natural World Important?
The decline in species poses an existential and economic threat, as they provide crucial ecosystem services, such as pollinating crops, recycling waste, sequestering CO2, protecting soil from erosion, predating pests, diverting flooding, and forming a key part of the food chain. According to the latest Living Planet Report by WWF, there are ⅓ fewer animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms alive today than there were 50 years ago, and this trend is accelerating. The UN, EU, and UK have implemented policies to halt this decline, providing financial incentives to landowners to monitor and restore local biodiversity. It’s an issue that will affect multiple sectors, from industry to local groups, each of which can be addressed with the right tools and expertise. And, we are living the decisive decade to take action.

WhY wild connect?
Our company members and founders have amassed a great deal of experience and knowledge over multiple disciplines. Our skills range from the very technical (ecology, electronics, software development and AI) to international policymaking and conservation.
If you have a nature-related issue, we can solve it.
Media Gallery
Have a look at the past and present projects undertaken around the world by Wild Connect